For over 30 years, Hagmed has been supporting Polish and World Cardiology providing specialist medical equipment to the market.
About company
The HAGMED company was established in 1990, and at present it operates as a limited partnership, the shareholders of which are the two co-owners. Hagmed is an average sized company with 80 employees. The main subject of the company’s activity is the production of disposable specialized medical equipment.
The company has all the CE ISO certificates that allow to trade in goods within the EU and associated markets. Over 60% of all production is exported. HAGMED products are sold to the EU markets and to the markets of: Africa, Asia, South America, Canada and Australia. For years, HAGMED has been presenting its offer at the world’s largest medical fairs: MEDICA-COMPAMED in Dusseldorf, Germany, ARAB HEALTH in Dubai in the Arab Emirates, and at numerous specialist conferences and specialist in Poland as well as abroad.
The company has six patents and has created a number of unique technologies. The company cooperates with many scientific and research centres, e. g. Centre of Advanced Technologies for Healthcare at the Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment in Zabrze, Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation, Medical University of Łódź and many others. Centre of Advanced Technologies for Healthcare at the Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment in Zabrze, Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation, Medical University of Łódź and many others. The dynamic growth of the company’s development is set and supported by EU subsidies from programs related to innovation and competitiveness-enhancing programs obtained from the European Regional Development Fund., The National Centre for Research and Development and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP).
The overriding goal of the company is the constant and continuous development and improvement of its products by implementing modern technological solutions that determine the quality and safety of their use.
We have great potential to carry out complex projects. Out of concern for the high quality of our products, we constantly analyse and improve the technological processes and our control systems. We have technical facilities that allow us to implement projects that require ISO 7 cleanliness class. We have a machine park and technologies that allow us to manufacture products with repeatable technical parameters. We specialize in the processing of synthetic materials by means of injection and extrusion method. We have experienced staff and unique technologies in the field of adhesion, welding, moulding, laser welding, marking, packaging, etc. . Our products are characterized by high precision of workmanship and reliability.
During over 30 years of company’s activity, we have received many prestigious awards, honours, statuettes and titles, including diplomas awarded by the National Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Award of the Łódź Voivodship, the Fair Play Enterprise (2003) and won twice the title of Entrepreneurial Leader awarded by the All-Poland Business Forum for SMEs. Gold medals at the Eureka Inventions Fairs in Brussels, Gold Medal – Eskulap received in 1999 at the Poznań International Fair “Salmed”. In 2001 the company received the honorary title of the Outstanding Polish Exporter awarded by the editor of the magazine “Foreign Markets”.
The titles awarded in the “Employer-Organizer of Safe Work” competition organized by PIP in 2009 and the title “Effective Company 2011” are among the honours.
The company has 7 patents and a number of unique technological solutions on a global scale. Hagmed cooperates with many scientific research centres, including:
— Medical University in Łódź
— Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań
— Institute of Medical Technology and Equipment in Zabrze
— Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements in Warsaw
— Warsaw University of Technology
— Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Research Institute in Warsaw
— Professor Zbigniew Religa Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze

The company’s growth dynamics are determined and supported by EU grants from the innovation programs and company competitiveness-enhancing programs obtained from the European Regional Development Fund.
At present, we are performing the project: “Development and production of the first Polish ablative electrode.” This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Operational Program Intelligent Development for 2014-2020.